Thursday, April 5, 2012

BzzAgent Garnier Fructis Campaign

Have you heard about Garnier Fructis? Have you ever tried it? Well, thanks to, I will be trying it for the first time! I believe that I will be sent the New Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Shampoo and Conditioner.

I'll let you all know how it goes, and what I think about it!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Today is Just a Normal Day

...for most people. But for me, this is the day that I birthed our sweet little babe. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. People tell me all the time that it goes by fast, but you never really comprehend that saying...

I went into labor around 6pm on Sunday, January 24, 2010. Hubbs and I were hanging out at his brother's house. My SIL and I were talking about how much of a pain this child that I was carrying is, since she decided to turn at the last minute (she was breech) to avoid a previously scheduled C-Section that past Friday. All of a sudden, the contractions start! They weren't that bad at first. They really felt like my Braxton Hicks that I had been having since I was in my 23rd week of pregnancy. Finally, Hubbs decided to start timing them. Lo and behold they were about 1 minute apart! I didn't want to go into the hospital again and leave without a baby, so we decided to go home and let me rest.

We get home, and at this point I'm balling my eyes out. They hurt so bad! So, I tell hubbs to pack everything up and to rush to the hospital. They put me in triage, and start monitoring me and the baby. The nurse came back and said that there was no way I was going to be leaving here pregnant, so they checked us in. They broke my water around 6am, and I progressed pretty quickly after that. They gave me my epidural when I was 3cm dilated (about the time they broke my water). Finally, it was time to bare down push (fyi, I never pooped on the table and my epidural ran out. Let me tell you that "ring of fire" is real!). Emily Ann Jolly entered the world and changed my life forever on January 25th, 2010 at 5:35pm.

Emily, my lovely amazing daughter, you are everything to me. When you smile, I smile. When you laugh (oh how I love your laugh), I laugh. When you cry, I cry. I'm the one who bathes you, feeds you, comforts you, and protects you. You are everything I've ever wanted, and I thank God everyday for you. It is because of you that I fought so hard when I was diagnosed with PPD/Anxiety. It is on this day that I remember who I do everything for. Happy Birthday baby girl!

Today is not just a normal day.

Our first picture
My little snuggle bunny

Sunday, January 22, 2012

And the winner is...

Before I get to the winner, I just wanted to share what I created this weekend. Maybe y'all could provide some feedback. Do you like it? Do you not like it? Is there anything you would change about it? Feedback will help me fine-tune my designing, so it would be much appreciated!

CONGRATULATIONS, Tabathia B.! You have won the giveaway for the $5 e-gift card. I have already emailed you. Thank y'all so much for entering the giveaway, and I hope to have another one really soon!

Scarlet Heart Creations

My sister-in-law recently started up her own bow business. She makes some really cute bows! If you could please, go and like her facebook page and tell her Brittni sent you. She is about to have some great giveaways coming up, so it will be well worth it!

Scarlet Heart Creations

Also, don't forget to get those entries in. The giveaway for the $5 e-gift card ends tonight! I'll be using to choose the what are you waiting for? Go!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Have any of you heard of this before? It's a program called Superpoints, and it is invite only. Apparently, I've been  member since October but I've just recently (within the last 2 days) started participating in it. I've earned 210 points, and that is just within the past two days.

"The Superpoints Network is a collection of sites where you can win and earn Superpoints that can be redeemed for great rewards."

They have some pretty awesome rewards. I'm going to post some invite, but remember...these are one time use only invites, so act fast! I'm loving the whole thing, and any points your referrals make, you make as well! Pretty awesome, huh?

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm pretty sure Hubbs, Emily and I will be going out to the family farm tomorrow. Hubbs is still undecided, but I think it would be great fun! Don't forget the giveaway ends at midnight on Sunday, so get in those entries!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Migraine and Photoshop

I had the misfortune of experiencing my first migraine last night. I used to listen to my mom complain about hers, but I have never experienced this before. I felt nauseous! My head hurt so bad that I seriously thought it was just going to explode from pressure. Thank goodness for my husband though! He normally gets migraines, so he had some Excedrin Migraine in the cabinet. I took 1, and about 30 minutes later...migraine was gone!

Does anyone use Photoshop? I'm sitting here playing around and trying to design blogger templates. Maybe I'll end up posting some and seeing if there is any demand for them.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Let's talk about

fertility. Hubbs and I have been trying since December 2010 to get pregnant with baby #2. Obviously, it hasn't worked out so well. I've tried drinking POM juice (which is disgusting, btw), I've tried holding my hips up in the air after hubbs finishes (all that has gotten me is an infection), and for about 4 months I was charting. I just don't really know the answer. I feel like I haven't put my all into trying, but it is really exhausting. Then, I've been spotting since January 8th. Yes, I'm still spotting.

I guess I'll just give my all at charting, buy some ovulation tests, and just relax. Maybe that's the problem. I mean, I'm only 25 and we have had one successful pregnancy (I've been pregnant a total of 3 times, 2 ended in miscarriage). So I don't think it would be a fertility problem.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Post-It Note Tuesday!

I'm going to have to find a blog to link this up to, but until then...ENJOY!


Ooh! Don't forget to register for the giveaway I have going on!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Here's the Giveaway!

I'm giving away a $5 e-gift card! This giveaway starts today (1/16) and ends (1/22). I'm also using Rafflecopter, so it should be easy peasy!

I will post who the winner is and email them on Monday, January 23. Good luck!
**Please do the mandatory entry of following via Google Friend Connect. I will be checking to see who did all the entries before I email the winner.**

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ahh! Relaxing and Pinterest

Hubbs just went to sleep, Emily is asleep, Charlie is on the couch, and I'm going Pinterest crazy! Who else loves Pinning? It's fun, yet addicting at the same time!

What does everyone plan on doing this weekend?

Stay tuned, because on Monday I'll be having a giveaway! I'm really excited!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Pancake Pops

I decided to borrow my SIL’s cake pop maker, so that I could use it for Emily’s upcoming birthday party. I thought that I would just try it out to get a feel for it. I decided to try to make pancake pops. My thought was to make pancake balls, inject them with syrup, and then roll them in cinnamon-sugar. Sounds great right?

They didn’t turn out that way at all. The injector that came with it didn’t work at all with the syrup. I guess next time, I’ll use maple flavored icing. Basically, it was just the pancake balls on a stick and then you dip them in syrup. Emily loved it! She ate more than half of them.

Sorry, I don’t have any photos. Hubbs just now decided to bring back the camera battery charger. I just haven’t put it on the charger yet. I guess I’ll do that right now.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Gargamel = Daddy

If any of you have seen The Smurfs, you’ll know who I’m talking about. I put this particular movie on for Emily, so that I could actually clean the kitchen. She loves to help me in the kitchen, but I just didn’t need her kind of “help.” So, I put the movie on, and we had a conversation that went like this:

Emily: (Looking at the tv) “Where’s Daddy?”
Me: “Sweetie, Daddy’s at work.”
Emily: (Looks at the tv again, and sees Gargamel in the scene) “DADDY!!”
After about a 45 15 minute laugh on the floor, I proceed to call hubs. His nickname at work just happens to be….

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to *clean* I go

Yeah, after 3 days of hubs being home, my house looks like a tornado hit it. I'm talking beer cans all over the desk (and one in the bathroom), plates and bowls everywhere. This man must think that I'm his maid. So, I'm cleaning. Although, that does mean that I can put on Rhapsody and dance around in my pj's. Yes, I clean in my pj's. It is way more comfy that way!

Maybe after I get the house clean, I'll post pictures so I have proof that I do and can have a clean house! I really need a cleaning schedule something bad! Anyone know where to get one?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

First Blog Post

Well, somehow you've stumbled upon my little corner of the blog-o-sphere, and I thank you for that! Sometimes a girl just needs to be heard once in a while. I guess I'll start with the basics and go from there.

My name is Brittni and I just turned 25. I met my hubs when I was 20, got engaged and married when I was 22, had our first baby when I was 23, and now we're in the process of trying to have another baby (which is proving to be quite difficult). I'm a stay-at-home mom to our daughter, Emily. I just have to say that I'm loving it.

Hubs is 26 and he works in the lighting industry. He absolutely love it. He kinda just fell into this career right before I met him. He loves gaming (it happens to drive me insane). His interests are cars, games, and repairing things.

Emily, our almost 2 year old daughter, is just incredible. We think she's hitting the terrible two's a little early, because everything is a tantrum with her. She has just recently become attached to "blankie" which so desperately needs a trip through the wash cycle. She loves fruit, which is great, but in order for her to eat her veggies, I have to mix it with either mashed potatoes or something. She hates corn. On a typical day, you could find her coloring, reading (she loves looking through books), helping me cook, playing "house" with her dolls, or trying to ride her new pink Radio Flyer tricycle that Santa brought her for Christmas.

This now brings us to the newest addition to our family...Charlie! We adopted him from the city shelter back in September. He's a Chihuahua/Shiba Inu mix. He's a pretty good family member. We're having a little trouble on the whole potty training thing, but I have to say that it has gotten a lot better since we bought a kennel. He likes to chew on anything and everything. Maybe he'll grow out of this? He's only a year old, so he's still a puppy.

So, that pretty much sums us up. Thanks for reading! I hope you'll follow my blog, and in return...I'll follow you!
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